colonel richard byrnes mine run report |
SIR: I have the honor to report that this regiment broke camp on the 26th of November, and proceeded, with the Second Army Corps, to the Rapidan River, crossing at Germanna Ford at 3 p.m., same day, and encamped for the night 4 miles on the opposite side. Resumed march next morning, and proceeded to Robertson's Tavern, where we arrived at 11 a.m., and remained in line until 4.30 p.m., when we were advanced opposite the enemy's pickets, and remained in line of battle through the night. At 7 a.m.. 28th instant, were advanced to the woods in front, but the enemy having retired, were marched by the flank on the Orange Court-House pike, 2 miles toward Orange Court-House, where we were again halted, and remained in the woods until next morning. Were then marched to the right, and by cross-roads back to Robertson's Tavern, when we crossed the pike and marched to the left about 8 miles until we reached the plank road leading from Fredericksburg to Orange Court-House.
We advanced by this road in the direction of Orange Court-House until we came up with the enemy, when this regiment was thrown into the woods on the right of the plank road and deployed as skirmishers at 2 p.m., and advanced at 3 p.m. Became immediately engaged with the enemy's skirmishers whom we forced back, under a heavy fire of musketry, until we reached the crest of a hill more than half a mile from where we commenced to advance. Here we were ordered to halt, having been engaged three-fourths of an hour with a loss of 5 men wounded, and remained on picket in this position through the night, and until 3.30 p.m. next day, when we were relieved and ordered to report, with remainder of brigade, as guard to the ammunition train. Here we remained until 9 p.m. on 1st instant when, with the remainder of the army, we marched back to the Rapidan, recrossing at 5 a.m., 2d instant, and arrived in our present position at 2 p.m., same day.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, RICHARD BYRNES, Colonel, Commanding. Lieut. MILES McDONALD, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.