General Thomas F. Meagher's Fair Oaks Report |
the forenoon, we of the Second Brigade, Richardson's division, Sumner's
corps d'armée, being encamped at Tyler's farm, heard considerable
firing in front. This firing continuing to increase in rapidity and
loudness during the day, about 1 o'clock p.m. I took the liberty of
ordering the several regiments of my command to place themselves under
arms immediately, anticipating that an order would at any moment reach me from the headquarters of
the division, directing me to proceed with all dispatch to the scene of
action. This order had been issued not more than ten or fifteen minutes
before Captain Norvell, the assistant adjutant-general of the division,
arrived at my headquarters, and directed me, by order of
Brigadier-General Richardson, commanding division, to get my brigade
instantly under arms and march at a moment's notice. This order, as I
have already stated, had been anticipated, and fifteen minutes after
Captain Norvell communicated to me the order of the general commanding
our division, I directed Captain McCoy, assistant adjutant-general of my
brigade, to report that my brigade was in marching trim and awaiting his
further orders. These orders, which mostly had reference to the peculiar
line of march over the Chickahominy which we were to observe, and which
directed a slight divergence from the line of march to be preserved by
the brigades under the command of Generals Howard and French, the First
and Third Brigades of our division-- these orders returned with Captain
McCoy, and my brigade was immediately put on the march. The march, in strict compliance
with special instructions, was executed in the lightest possible
marching order, the men taking with them in their haversacks only two
days' cooked rations, and being disencumbered of their overcoats,
knapsacks, and blankets. The march was performed with unremitting
celerity, ardor, and eager readiness for action. I mention this
particularly from the fact that on the line of march we met several
soldiers and other parties returning from the field of action, who
informed us that the Federal arms had met with a severe reverse, and
that as some New York troops were implicated it was specially incumbent
on us to redeem the honor of our State and the fortunes of the day. It was between 9 and 10 p.m.
when the head of our brigade entered on the scene of that day's terrible
conflict, and we were apprised of the fact and it was impressed upon us
startlingly by the appearance of numbers of surgeons and chaplains with
lanterns in hand searching over the ground to the right and left of our
advance in column for the dead and wounded, who they said were scattered
in every direction around. The surgeon of my brigade, two of the
chaplains, and the quartermaster of the Sixty-third New York Volunteers,
First Lieut. P. O'Hanlon, were here requested to give their services in
the humane search after and relief of the victims of the battle-field.
In half an hour after the brigade, having carefully looked to and
secured their arms, laid down on the open field, the first time to rest
for that day. A little after daybreak Sunday
morning, having learned that the enemy were in full force in the wood
surrounding the field where we were bivouacked, I was on the alert, and
with my staff was in the saddle by 4 o'clock a.m. The Sixty-ninth New
York Volunteers, under the command of Col. Robert Nugent, and the
Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers, under the command of Lieut. Col.
Patrick Kelly, temporarily commanding, were under arms and ready for
action the same hour. The men had scarcely partaken of some hard biscuit
and water when a brisk firing in front of our position informed us of
the immediate presence of the enemy. General Richardson, commanding the
division, at once directed my brigade to prepare for action. This order,
as the march of the previous afternoon and night, was executed with the,
utmost alacrity and enthusiasm. Whilst in line of battle and awaiting
further orders General Sumner, commanding the corps d'armée in
which our brigade is incorporated, appeared on the ground, accompanied
by his staff, and riding in front of our ranks
addressed a few words of encouragement and confidence to our men,
reminding them that they had been held back ever since they joined the
service, but now their time had come. In the mean while the firing in
the woods fronting the field on which, in the midst of the dead and
dying of the previous day's battle, we were drawn up for action,
increased in volume and intensity, and it was at this moment that I
received orders to throw the first regiment of my brigade, Sixty-ninth
New York Volunteers, upon the railroad a little below where it wits
drawn up in line of battle. This order was executed promptly and
dashingly, a pretty brisk fire opening on the regiment from the woods
and one or two detached houses as they deployed to the left in line of
battle on the railroad. Shortly after this movement had been executed by
the Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers the Eighty-eighth New York
Volunteers was ordered to proceed by a flank movement to the left and
occupy the railroad on the left of the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers,
which regiment prolonged its line of occupation on the left of the
Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers. The Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers
had to push its march through a tangled underwood, encumbered with
fallen and decayed trees, interspersed with heavy patches of mire and
swamp. The regiment was conducted to its position by Capt. J.P. McMahon,
of my staff, who was specially detailed that morning on the staff of
General Richardson, commanding division. It appears from the report of
Lieut. Col. Patrick Kelly, commanding the Eighty-eighth New York
Volunteers, that a countermand was given to his regiment by some staff
officer of the corps whilst it was forcing its way through the wood to
take its position on the left of the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers.
This led to some slight confusion, and the two leading companies of the
regiment, not having heard the countermand, deployed from the wood on
the railroad, and gallantly sustained the fire of the enemy until, the
countermand being recalled, they were vigorously supported by the other
eight companies of the regiment. The two companies maintaining
themselves so creditably until supported by the main body of the
regiment were commanded respectively by Capts. William Horgan and
Michael Eagan. Whilst the Sixty-ninth New York Volunteers, under command
of Colonel Nugent, and the Eighty-eighth, under Lieutenant-Colonel
Kelly, were thus deploying to the right and left on the railroad the
one through a field intercepted by stumps and exposed to a flanking fire
from the enemy on the right and the other regiment forcing its way
through the swampy woods on the left, the brigades of Generals Howard
and French were splendidly maintaining the front of our position in
advance of the railroad and holding the enemy in check. Thus it was that those two
regiments of my brigade acted as a reserve and came to the support of
those brave troops that had to stand the brunt of the battle of the 1st
of June. The Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers had to display itself in
an opening before they reached their position on the railroad which was
exposed to the unobstructed fire of the enemy from the woods, forming a
semicircle in front of the line on which the regiment was deploying. In
other words, the line of battle of the Eighty-eighth was the chord of
resistance to the arc of the enemy's fire. At the central point of the
chord there stood a farm-house, which during the action was used as a
hospital for the wounded of the regiment specially detailed at this
point and any other of either army who were wounded in proximity to it
and who could be brought in.>
I regard the conduct of the
Eighty-eighth, under the circumstances l have mentioned and in the
position I have described, as being especially effective and entitled to
distinctive commendation. Had the Eighty-eighth winced from this
position; had they faltered or been thrown into confusion when
proceeding to the railroad; had the two companies of this regiment,
which were for some minutes isolated, not sustained the fire of the
enemy, I believe the issue of the day adversely to the Army of the
Potomac would have been materially influenced. The conduct of the
Sixty-ninth was incomparably cool. The officers and men of the regiment
stood and received the fire of the enemy whilst they delivered their own
with an intelligent steadiness and composure which might have done
credit to, and might perhaps have been looked for in, the mature troops
of more than one campaign. The creditable and memorable conduct of the
Sixty-ninth on this occasion was, in my opinion, owing in a great
measure to the soldierly bearing and fearless tone and spirit of Colonel
Nugent, who, standing close to the colors of his regiment, over and over
again repeated the order to fire on the enemy. The fire of the two
regiments, in a word, was so telling, that the enemy, although in
considerable force and evidently bent on a desperate advance, were
compelled to retire, leaving their dead and wounded piled in the woods
and swampy ground in front of our line of battle. Our success was made manifest by
the fact that the officers of the brigade engaged on the occasion were
occupied soon after the cessation of the firing, and are still engaged,
in the humane work of searching after the wounded and burying the dead. For further particulars, of
which I cannot pretend to be personally cognizant, I refer you with
pleasure to the reports of the officers commanding the two regiments of
my brigade engaged on the day in question. They themselves, it appears:
find it difficult to particularize those of their respective commands
who distinguished themselves by their coolness and fearlessness during
the action. I myself refrain from any discrimination of the kind, lest I
might do injustice to those who, equally brave and bold as those who
seemed to me most conspicuous, might have been no less deserving of
notice and honorable commemoration, but whose claims escaped my
observation in the excitement of the engagement. I cannot, however,
close this report without mentioning in sincere terms of praise the
conduct of the surgeons of my brigade those of the Sixty-ninth and
Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers, as also that of the brigade surgeon,
J. H. Taylor; their attention to the wounded being unremitting even in
the very heat of the conflict, and whilst it was dangerous for them to
discharge their duties. It is a source to me of the greatest
satisfaction that the brigade which I have the honor to command can
reckon with confidence on the services of such skillful, daring, and
intrepid surgeons. Were it usual in such reports to
speak of them, I would have more than sufficient reason to acknowledge
the courage and the heart with which the chaplains of the brigade stood
by their charge in the hour of danger and consoled those who fell. In making this report I find but
one circumstance which diminishes the pleasure I feel in speaking so
laudably of those whom I have the honor to command, and this
circumstance is the withdrawal of the Sixty-third New York Volunteers,
commanded by Col. John Burke, which regiment, between 11 and 12 o'clock
p.m. of the 31st of May, on our march from the camp at Tyler's farm,
were ordered by General Richardson, commanding division, to fall back
and defend the batteries of the division that were impeded in the mud
and could not be brought to
the front without assistance. These orders were executed by the
Sixty-third New York Volunteers with promptness and full efficiency, and
I but imperfectly convey the conviction of its comrade regiments of the
brigade in saying that the participation of the Sixty-third New York
Volunteers in the dangers of the day would have added to whatever credit
the rest of the brigade has had the fortune to acquire. I am happy to inform you that in killed and wounded the brigade has only lost 2 officers Lieutenants King and O'Connor, Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers, of whom the former died yesterday morning and the latter lies severely though not mortally wounded) and something less than 50 men. The list of casualties, however,
is at present necessarily imperfect Every step will be taken to render a
correct one as speedily as possible. I have the honor to be, captain,
very respectfully, your obedient servant, THOMAS
FRANCIS MEAGHER, Brigadier-General,
Commanding Brigade. |